April 29, 2014

Too Fancy Lacquer - Set Fire To The Rain Swatch & Review

Hi there.

Remember that tear I was telling you about in my middle finger nail? That I thought was holding tight with the teabag repair? Welp the other day I was at the grocery store, and I don't know exactly when it happened but my nail peaced right on out. Traitor. So it's back to nubs we go.

Fortunately, Set Fire To The Rain by Too Fancy Lacquer looks pretty great on nubs. In fact, this polish would look stellar even on, like, tree bark if that's what started growing out of my fingers. It's insanely pigmented and I had zero problems with staining (but I was also very careful not too flood my cuticles just in case), and the color is the most perfect shade of blue you've ever seen --cerulean-- which is MY FAVORITE COLOR!!! Cerulean blue for everybody!!!


It's got that imbedded linear holo that doesn't just look like a rainbow is sitting on top of the base color. Blue rainbows. Not to mention that the formula was fantastic to boot.

I give everything such glowing reviews (except those Essies... shudder and weep), don't I? I need to be more critical. I dunno, I think I just luck out with my polish purchases. I just really like this polish, okay guys? Ceruuuuleaaan.

Shown below is two coats with topcoat in direct sunlight (which I'll be using more now that it's warming up FINALLY. I love my OttLite and all, but nothing beats the blang-inducing power of the sun).

Too Fancy Lacquer - Set Fire To The Rain Swatch

Too Fancy Lacquer - Set Fire To The Rain Swatch

I feel like there's kind of a richness I'm lacking with my pictures. Plus the color is like, the tiniest bit warmer and more saturated in real life. In real life, as opposed to in the fake life of the internet.

Anyway, whatever to my glowing reviews. This polish rules.

I really suck at closing statements. I wish I could skip this part sometimes. Like, weeeell... those are my pictures. Okay, bye!


  1. Your nubbins look *fantastic* in that color and that color looks fantastic on your nubbins. It almost looks velvety, if that makes any sense at all.

    1. Thank you!
      That totally makes sense! It's kind of the element I thought was lacking in my pictures -- the velvet-ness. I've seen/owned a pretty okay amount of blue holos in my day and this one stands out in an awesome way.

  2. Now this one....this one is special! So pretty!

    1. Had it on my ISO for months and found it on Storenvy of all places for relatively cheap. I love when that happens!!
