April 28, 2014

Legend of Zelda Triforce Nail Art

Just to, you know, really drive it in that I'm a huge geek.

Let me tell you a little story about my first Legend of Zelda experience. I was 12 and I was staying at my dad's apartment for the weekend. I had brought my Nintendo 64 over for entertainment purposes (not that he wasn't entertaining, exactly, he was just studying to be a paramedic) and we had rented Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I haaaated it. My problem was that I couldn't find the frigging Kokiri Sword. I played for all of 20 minutes, decided the game was lame, and went about my life.

Fast forward a year; waiting at a bus stop with my friend from elementary school's big scary sister. I was a freshman in high school and I didn't belong anywhere. This big scary sister and I started talking video games, and she lauded about a game called Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I was like, girl, whaaaat? That's shit's lame. And she's like NO. So she let me borrow it (and helped me with the sword) and thus began the most epic journey of my life up to that point and a best-friendship that's still intact to this day.

We defeated Ganondorf during New Year's Eve of 1999/New Year's Day 2000. EPIC.

Ocarina of Time is very near and dear to my heart (I say it's my favorite video game of all time but I'm pretty sure that's just in a sentimental way... it's definitely in my top 3). That's the end of my story.

Legend of Zelda Triforce Nail Art

Courage! Wisdom! Power! I know I'm holding a GameCube controller here (I don't know where my N64 controller is, thanks) but just go with it. Windwaker was pretty great too, if we're going to get all crazy about it.

Legend of Zelda Triforce Nail Art

Colors used were:
Zoya - Storm & Raven
Sinful Colors - Ruby Mine & Emerald Envy
Ciate - True Blue
OPI - Oy-Another Polish Joke!

Legend of Zelda Triforce Nail Art

I was going to freehand the Marks of the Goddesses instead of just the individual Triforce bits but I just so happen to be taking a medicine that makes my hands kind of shaky, which is also super awesome for doing nail art.

I was going to re-take the pictures after I reviewed them because I kind of hated how they turned out, but I was going to do it after we went to the grocery store. But then something suck-filled happened, which you can read about tomorrow </3 


  1. Zelda is my jam! I started with the original waaaay too many years ago, and Ocarina got to take up more hours of my life than I should probably admit. LOL

    I think your photos turned out fine, and I'm sorry you had to deal with suckage.

    1. My girl!!! I'm pretty sure I stopped playing Ocarina during my search for all the stupid skulltulas. Ugh.

      The OttLite is so hit or miss with making polishes look good/accurate. The pictures just make the art look a bit flat is all.

    2. I just saw this and thought I had to share it with you. LOL


    3. I LOVE THAT. I'm going to seriously get it. My car currently only has a creeper head (from Minecraft) on the back of it, but for my last car I made vinyl decals of the Horde emblem from World of Warcraft, the Vault symbol from Borderlands and the Paragon emblem from Mass Effect. I am completely shameless when it comes to proclaiming my video game adoration. :)

  2. I love this! I only got to play Windwaker since I was introduced to the Zelda series very late, and the game holds a very dear place in my heart.

    1. I remember Windwaker getting a bunch of flack for the cell shaded animation, but I loooooved it. I almost remember Windwaker more fondly than Ocarina of Time, maybe because I'd played it more recently. I never did beat it... it's a shame Wii-U doesn't play GameCube games, as I'm not ready to drop $50 on the digital (HD, weep) version.
