April 18, 2014

PinkDipsyBulle - Hades and Rapunzel Swatches & Reviews

Easter's on Sunday and I haven't done any Easter manicures yet. Lame.
I also haven't gone Easter shopping for the kids yet which is kind of double lame. Procrastinationnnn!

Today I have two LE polishes from Pink Dipsy Bulle - Hades and Rapunzel.

Hades is a dark grey polish (that leans purple, like eggplant kind, in certain lights) with linear holo. The formula was smooth and leveling; no issues to report.

Shown below is three layers with topcoat. I've warmed up the tone of the second picture to show the eggplantiness of the polish. The third picture is taken in direct sunlight.

PinkDipsyBulle - Hades Swatch

PinkDipsyBulle - Hades Swatch

PinkDipsyBulle - Hades Swatch

Next up is Rapunzel, a purple/fuchsia with soft aqua shimmer. I had the tiniest bit of an issue with streak-times with the first two coats but by the third the polish looked evened out. I'm a huge fan of the color of this polish. Huge. So huge. So big.

Shown below is three coats with topcoat.

PinkDipsyBulle - Rapunzel Swatch

PinkDipsyBulle - Rapunzel Swatch

PinkDipsyBulle has a way with contrasting shimmers in her polishes. I love the simplicity of them. Most of the time all I want is just a nice pop of color, you know? But something more interesting than a plain creme. Bam! PDB to tha rescue.

Side note: I am so. Over. Stinkbugs. Seriously. I've had to put duct tape around my stupid fireplace to keep them out and they're still getting in, and my cat, bless him, can't catch them because he has the coordination of a door knob.

You can find these two lovelies here for six bones a pop (they're 10ml bottles, just so ya know) but they're quite limited so hurry the heck up if you want them. There are two other LE colors that I'm considering getting but they're a bit darker and we know what dark polishes do to my spindly witch fingers. They make them look even spindly-witchier, is what they do. Why don't you know that? Don't you read my blog? I mentioned that, like, eight posts ago or something. Geez. Oh also they're Fairy Tale themed, because they weren't already the pinnacle of cute.


  1. These are both beautiful, but I especially love Rapunzel!

    1. Isn't it pretty? I haven't been disappointed by PDB yet!
