April 19, 2014

Easter Candy Nail Art

Happy Easter!

I'm the kind of mom who shares a pint of Cherry Garcia with her 21-month-old while watching Grey's Anatomy. Just a little bit of insight into my parenting style, here. I obviously don't have major issues with our kids eating crappy food in moderation, but Lord knows my threshold for a sugar-induced house-destroying running-around-squealing eff-fest is only about 28 minutes, so I'm not real big on kids + candy. That being said, with the abundance of grandparents involved in our blended family, there's going to be crap tons of Easter candy in this house soon and I'm gonna eat it all and the kids won't even KNOW.

Okay, I probably won't eat it all. I don't know. I can't predict the future, guys.

I'm not real big on pastels. Bunnies and duckies and flowers and little cracked eggshells with cute little black peepers peeping out are all super sweet and adorable and Easter-y, but candy.

As a true blue-blooded American, I wanted to go as commercialized as I could with this manicure. It's how we roll.

Valentine's Day = Chocolate & Roses
St. Patrick's Day = Beer
Easter = Candy

I'm pretty sure it's written in the Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, do candy for Easter and stuff. And dye eggs. Amen.

Actually I think that's the whole thing.

So anyway, God, this post is such a mess. I did NAIL ART on my NAILS and I will show it to you now.

Easter Candy Nail Art
L to R: Cadbury Mini Egg [the cop-out nail], Jellybeans, Chocolate with a Bite Taken Out, Bunny Peep.

Easter Candy Nail Art
The jellybeans look less suck in real life, promise.

Easter Candy Nail Art
O hay guise.

So there we have it. Candy on my nailz. Not the cutest, pastelest thing in the world, but it works for meee.


  1. So cute. How did you do the jelly bean nail, because I want to do that, but every time I try to do the overlapping thing, it just turns into a muddled mess.

    1. I, uh, used the pointy end of a wooden cuticle pusher because I don't have a proper dotting tool. I started with that purple jellybean in the bottom right (I just went for a general bean shape) and built off of that. For the spaces in between the jellybeans I totally just fudged it, oooobviously. I used jelly polishes too! Least helpful response ever, ha ha. "I just did it!"

  2. Hilarious post and I like the nail art a lot, it doesn't have to be pastel :)
    I thought the bite out of chocolate and bunny ears negative space manis were clever!

    1. I was going to just do the whole shape of the bunny peep but after the, like, sixth time re-doing it I went with just the head part. I wouldn't say clever so much as defeated. :) Thank you though!

  3. Laughed out loud while reading this post! Fun mani, especially love the jelly beans!


      No, I mean hey, thanks! :D
