January 26, 2014

Sinful Colors - Rainstorm Swatch & Review

My favorite place in the world to find Sinful Colors is Big Lots. I got this guy a few weeks ago (along with, like, ten others... I really should just suck it up and do an SC spam post one of these days) but he got lost under the coffee table until today. But then I found him. And then I swatched him.

1. I got an Ottlight during the sale at Michael's last week (they're usually $80 but they were on sale for $24. Um, yes?)
2. My nails are SO WONKY. They don't look that wonky at the moment, seeing them with my eyes, but the get so lumpy and weird in photos. Close-ups, man.
3. I feel like there was more but I forget. Oh well.

Rainstorm is a dusty medium blue. A pretty apt name if I do say so. Applied all right; no problems but nothing to write home about. I haven't swatched just a creme in about a thousand years, huh? I can't remember the last one. Was there ever one? God, my brain.

Anyway, this is two medium coats with Essie G2G on top with fancy light!

So, yeah, there's only one. I was too nail self-conscious, the rest of them were weird looking and kind of blurry. The light is awesome, the camera isn't so bad, but I have very un-steady hands. Things, things, things.

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