January 24, 2014

Sally Hansen Sugar Shimmer - Sugar Cloud Swatch & Review

Guess who's back to rocking shorties? They're not quite as short as they used to be when I bit them, at least. OH WELL. My goal is to keep blarging despite my nubs. So, onward!

Today we have a polish I picked up on clearance at Ulta (though I thought this collection just came out kind of... at least I didn't hear a lot about it) whilst contemplating purchasing a few from the Gwen Stefani/OPI collaboration. It's a Sugar Shimmer which I guess differs from the Sugar Coat line SH put out by being, well, shimmery. I don't like creme textures, so I never bothered with the Sugar Coats.

Sugar Cloud is a sheer baby blue texture with a pink/yellow duo-tone shimmer. I decided to wear it over Sinful Colors - Cinderella, which shares a similar shimmer (say that shiz three times fast why don't you) because 1. my nails are stained the most awful dead person yellow and I didn't want to taint the loveliness of this polish (I mean, it's really sheer) and 2. it's.. um.. really sheer. I'd like to experiment layering this over different colors for funsies.

The swatches below are two coats Cinderella topped with two coats of Sugar Cloud in sad Ohio winter daylight because I was literally too lazy to set up my light box. Meh.

Like usual, it was hard to get the pink to show up on my camera. You can see a pretty accurately colored pink colony at the left uppermost corner of the bottle.

Sugar Cloud isn't my favorite texture of all time, mostly because I don't love layering polishes to get their full effect. I'd like to get on my nail what I see in the bottle. The drying time wasn't that great either (though I'll blame my impatience on letting four layers of polish dry thoroughly enough) compared to other textures. Pretty color, but I don't think I'll go out of my way to get any more of them.

On a side note, I think my new goal is to get my fingers to stop looking like stumpy sausages in pictures. My hands are possibly my favorite part of me buuut I certainly don't make it look that way, amirite?!! I need to take Hands Photography 101 for real.

I need to find someone who teaches Hands Photography because that person has got to be awesome.

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