July 21, 2014

Enchanted Polish - May 2014, June 2014 and July 2014 Swatches & Reviews


I was in my first online semi-argument with a delightful gal in a CVS couponing Facebook group in which she suggested I stick coupon tearpads up my hindquarters and find a male chicken to entertain myself with (note: paraphrased for the younger readers). The thread was sadly deleted, but it all started when another member of the group called a fellow out for selling coupon tearpads which he very unlikely procured legally. Some members were saying there's nothing that can be done about it and that our having a discussion about it was a waste of time. Long story short, my whole thing was that regardless of HOW wrong what he's doing is, it's still wrong. Then we had the whole "there are murders happening and you're worried about THIS?" comments. I just... I guess I'm lucky to have been raised with a conscience and a clear outline of the difference between right and wrong. I'm not saying that coupon fraud is on the same level as murder, but it's still a crime, you know? Shoplifting something for $2 isn't a major offense, but it's still punishable by law, dawgs. 

I mean seriously. Hrrgrgg. The worrrrsssst are comments that are like "you're stupid for spending time arguing about it blah blah blah". Like, what are you LITERALLY doing right now? I just can't even.

So anyway, Enchanted Polish Monthly Mysteries versions May, June and July; editions 2014: I'm slightly underwhelmed.

Enchanted Polish May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 Swatch

May is this pumpkin orange jelly with some linear holo and that sparkle I always talk about that EP has, except in pink. It has a lot more dimension on the nail than my photos show; it almost looks like a glass fleck buuut not. This one had the best formula -- two easy coats and required zero cleanup. I like this one the best out of the three which kind of indicates my underwhelm-ed-ness since I'm pretty "meh" about orange in general.

Shown below is two coats without topcoat.

Enchanted Polish May 2014 Swatch

Enchanted Polish May 2014 Swatch

Enchanted Polish May 2014 Swatch

June is a plum-my purple/berry pink metallic duochrome with linear holo and that pink sparkle action. It reminds me of all those purple-toned multichromes except instead of going all the way to gold, this one stops at pink. The formula wasn't as smoothy-smooth as May but it was still pleasant.

Shown below is two coats without topcoat.

Enchanted Polish June 2014 Swatch

Enchanted Polish June 2014 Swatch

Enchanted Polish June 2014 Swatch

Enchanted Polish June 2014 Swatch

Enchanted Polish June 2014 Swatch
While this one is the most interesting in terms of what's going on in a nail polish, I'm not in love with it like I think a lot of people are. Some people, maybe. A few. I don't know if it's the shade of purple or what, but I was just kind of like, okay, neat. *shrug*

July 2014 is a metallic bright cherry red with linear holo and pink and blue sparkle which very barely shows up on the nail. Pretty basic and uninspired-feeling, which bums me right out since July is my birth month and I was hoping for something blam-tastic. I don't, like, LOVE rubies or anything, but I kind of wish this was a jelly instead of being metallic to emulate July's birthstone more. Deep cherry jelly with red shimmer and linear holo... that's a monthly I would campaign for, yo. I don't hate this polish, but I don't see myself reaching for it anytime soon. The formula on this guy was also pretty suck -- quite goopy compared to what I've become used to with EP formulas. Sigh for days.

Shown below is two coats without topcoat.

Enchanted Polish July 2014 Swatch

Enchanted Polish July 2014 Swatch

Enchanted Polish July 2014 Swatch

The shade picture definitely makes it look a lot more interesting than it actually is, just FYI. If it looked like that IRL I would be all about it.

Aaaanyway, that's that. Five more months of this mystery stuff and I kind of think I might be done with Enchanted Polish. Unless something in the next five months blows me right the heck away, I'd rather spend my dolla-dollas on polishes that I know I'll love.


  1. UGH! Don't you just *hate* when people go there? It's like if you're not sick, penniless, and living in a mud hole you don't have the right to be upset about anything. Grrr.

    1. It was just the worst! Especially the hypocrisy of her argument. I think my problem seriously is that I just hate when people have a different opinion than I do and they refuse to see how freaking RIGHT I am about, like, everything. Ha ha ha.

  2. I am totally agree with everything you said !!!!
    I hate orange usually but still, it's my favorite from these three !
    I am from july too (yay, my BD is tomorrow !) and I was expecting more, especially since I don't like red polishes, I am really disappointed by this one...
    Hope it will get better for the last months to come though...

    1. Happy belated birthday! I wore July around for a few days and I just can't get into it, but I don't have the heart to sell it since I'm pretty all right with the rest of the year so far, and it's my birth month and all. How lame.
