June 3, 2014

Little Babies of Love

Hi, you friends.

Sorry I've been MIA! I have a little story for you. When a mommy and a daddy love each other...

No, okay, but I'm having (another) baby. I'm due in January so it's, I guess, all super early to just be blabbing about it all over the internet or whatever. I do what I WANT. I've told you that! It's true!

Anyway, the smell of nail polish makes me nauseous (in addition to the smell of meats/eggs being cooked which carried over from last time) so I, like, don't paint my nails anymore. IT'S A GOOD THING I HAVE A NAIL BLOG, RIGHT?


So, aaaahhh... yeah. I mean, the miracle of life and all of that. I'm (we're) super excited (and it had better be a flippin' girl because I am DONE) but I forgot how much the first trimester sucked. The weirdness of completing a pregnancy (as in, gaining sixty pounds and going about 48% crazy for a few months) then returning to a fairly normal, pre-pregnancy state and getting pretty comfortable in this body (an oddly curved spine and kind of a butt that I didn't have before; boobs!; hips!; other, less okay-to-talk-about-on-a-nail-polish-blog body parts changes) then slowly having it puff up again. I'm almost eight weeks now and I've already had to go up a hole on my belt. I know things happen a lot faster the second time around buuut that doesn't mean I'm ready for/pumped about it.

And that concludes the super selfish superficial portion of this entry. Which is pretty much all of it.

Things I've been craving desperately (when I'm not laying on the toilet):

1. Iced Chai Tea Lattes with 1 pump of vanilla from Starbucks
2. UMAMI. I want to, like, drink soy sauce. Good soy sauce though, not the kind that just tastes like salt water.
3. Ice cream
4. Salt & Vinegar chips (like, kettle cooked ones)
5. Like, 98% of the shit they whip up on Food Netwook competition shows

I would like to continue to update as much as possible, and hopefully the morning sickness gets right on out of here by week 12 like last time. Oh! Not to mention my nails are pretty nubsy at the moment due to a pretty severe ring finger nail break on ye olde swatch hand.

How's everybody doing these days? I miss you.


  1. Congratulations!! I kind of had an inkling from a post in one of the FB nail polish communities but it's awesome to hear it officially!! How is your little guy dealing with the news?

    1. Thank you!! I'm pretty much the opposite of sneaky, if you couldn't tell. :) He's almost two, and I think he thinks the baby is my belly button. I tell him "there's a baby in mommy's belly" and point to my stomach, and he just stares long and hard at it, gears a-turnin'. So, he's good! Ha ha.

  2. Awww congrats! I loved how this written, but it ain't sellin' me on pregnancy :D

  3. Congratulations! That's the best reason not to be able to swatch. :)

    1. At this point it's just because I'm lazy. :(

  4. Congrats!! :D I hope the first trimester breezes by.
    Love the gif - just perfect ;P

    1. IT KIND OF DID! 2nd trimester starts in a little over a week!!!!! :D

  5. Congrats! I wondered if that was what was going on when you posted about not posting as much. :-)

    1. I kind of need to get back in the swing of things, ay? No more excuses!

  6. Congratulations!!! Hope the first trimester breezes by. Best of luck!

    1. Thanks! I can't believe the first tri is almost done. I'm in that weird pregnancy limbo where I don't really FEEL pregnant because the symptoms have let up and I'm not showing yet, but I have a Doppler so I know there's a little creature floating around in there. :)
