May 12, 2014

Funky Fingers - All The Rave, Drop The Bass and Glowstick Swatches & Reviews

Okay! No more blog hiatus (holy sh what an awful word combo).

Today I have three neon shimmers from !!! Five Below again. I knoooooooooooow. They're just so cheap. How could I not? Three for five bones, if you didn't somehow know. And these, especially, are AWESOME. Cheap polish, as a generalization, is a gamble when it comes to quality.  However, I am absolutely in LOVE with these. What sets these guys apart from your standard highlighter brights is that they have shimmer. Oooo. Aaahh.

Little Bottles of Love [Actually!]

So I don't have to say the same dang thing over and over again, the formula on these three are all the same, and are all great: opaque in 2 easy coats. They dried with a touch of matte so I used topcoat. They're also swatched over Funky Fingers - Gesso (pronounced jess-oh... thanks art school) which is a decent opaque white. Oh my godddd these were somucheasiertoswatchthantheeffingessiesuuuuggggg.

Also they're all taken under OttLite cuz direct sunlight gave my camera seizures. :(


First up is All the Rave (are raves still a thing? God, I'm so sheltered. I used to wear about a million chunky neon plastic bracelets when I was 15 and that was the extent of my rave phase, ha ha. I was really into band is the kind of girl I was, so) which is a cool-toned neon pink with yellow shimmer. My camera tried to make this one like, some kind of weird coral shade so I had to color correct it some, though it's still kind of sucktastic. Imagine the nails being more what's-in-the-bottle colored with the yellow shimmer being closer and more contained to around the highlights... does that help? No?

Funky Fingers - All The Rave Swatch

Funky Fingers - All The Rave Swatch

Next is Drop The Bass which is safety vest orange also with yellow shimmer. This is the first neon orange that I've ever actually really liked. Also color corrected but the color is way more accurate than pink-guy up there. I'm gonna go ahead and tell you to enlarge the photos for your viewing pleasure. The shimmer is more apparent when they're big.

Funky Fingers - Drop The Bass

Funky Fingers - Drop The Bass

And finally we have Glowstick which is the very color of a lightning bug's hindquarters. This is my favorite of the three. It's literally yellow highlighter with (shock! awe!) yellow shimmer. I know you're not going to believe it but I color correct this MFer too. But this is freaking what it looks like. uLtImAtE sWoOn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funky Fingers - Glowstick

Funky Fingers - Glowstick

Again, these bishes are tree for fie doll hairs at your local Five Below. Bargain of the dang century, if you were to ask for my thoughts on the subject. You need Glowstick in your life, I'm telling you right now. Take my word for it. Please, take it. You're welcome. I love you.

Oh, hey, tomorrow I'll have three more of these bad boys for you (although one of them doesn't have shimmer, and there were actually quite a lot of other neons at 5 B-lo that I didn't pick up which didn't have shimmer but still intrigue me and also one of the ones I'm showing you tomorrow isn't really a neon but it has a rave name so Iunno). Get pumped, y'all!


  1. Love them. Would be running out the door to 5 Below right now if they weren't closed. Tomorrow I will attack.

  2. These are amazinggggg. But apparently Five Below doesn't exist on the left coast. D: Sadness!

    1. Whaaaaat. That's crazy. There's still a whole slew of them here if you're ever interested in doing the swap/sale thing.

  3. I wish we had 5 Below stores would think that we did considering that I live just north of freaking Houston...the 4th largest city in the states ffs. But nooooo. We don't even have Rite Aid where I am. I have to do my Funky Fingers shopping on Ebay and pay more than y'all do at the store. No fair!!! lol. I giggled at your band girl reference lol. Band nerds need love son was in the marching band and symphonic band in highschool and he was also in a Latin Jazz band while in school and until he was around 20. Anywho...I just got Glowstick and OMG is it gorgeous!!! I also got Drop the is also stunning. The shimmer in them puts them both over the top!! I'll be bidding on All the Rave next. Fingers crossed lol.

    1. All right, that's ridiculous. Five Below is one of those stores that I love/hate going into. The music is SO AWFUL. It's like, Kidz Bop or some sh--, I don't even know, and the signage is all poppy and youthful and relevant and I'm all old-feeling and squinty at the bright lights and loud sounds. Anyway, the polish rules though. I would sooo be your Funky Fingers mule at cost and shipping, yo! Assuming that's less than eBay. Isn't Glowstick amaaazzzinggg?

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