March 28, 2014

Colors by Llarowe - Young Turks and The Mighty Red Baron Stripe Nail Art

I bought Young Turks and The Mighty Red Baron a few weeks ago and somehow haven't done anything with either of them despite their awesomeness. I also bought Sally Hansen - Lick-O-Rich (bluuuughhh) for $.90 at Big Lots to use pretty much for this exact reason. I love texture stripes over regular polish. I heart it!

I used two coats each of Young Turks and The Mighty Red Baron, applied the tape, then carefully painted on one coat of Lick-O-Rich (the formula for the Colors by Llarowe polishes is freaking spectacular, by the way).

I wish my nails were, you know, the same length and all. I have no idea for what occasion I could possibly wear these (oh, you know, a funeral maybe... job interview...) but I like them. And I like feeling them. Since stopping biting my nails I've become a nail-messer-with. I fidget around with them constantly. Texture polish is like tactile crack to me.

The mooore you knooow!


  1. Just came across your blog and I'm enjoying the heck out of it. Keep up the good work (and you're funny, even when relating the 'Ooops' side of life). :-)

    1. This is one of the best compliments I've gotten! For serious, when I'm feeling 'meh' about blogging (which happens often, let me tell you) I'm going to refer back to your comment for the wonderful little pick-me-up it gives me.
      Thank you, really. That means a lot to me. :)

  2. I really like this manicure idea, too cute!

    1. Thanks! It's a super simple idea, it just takes a minute to execute. :)
