February 3, 2014

Sinful Colors - Jasmine Jazz Swatch & Review

I somehow didn't even know thrift stores had nail polish until a couple months ago when I found this guy for sale in a bag with a couple pink Sally Hansens and an unlabeled pearly taupe nightmare at good ol' Village Thrift.

Jasmine Jazz is a gray/lilac base with lovely pink/purple flash. The formula was straight-up meh for me... pretty close to opaque in 3 coats but streaky and thin and unrelentingly non-leveling (possibly due to its thrift store-ness?). I think I'll try layering this over a gray polish next time to give it something to stand on, you know?

Photos show three coats with Essie G2G on top. The shimmer looks a lot more purple than pink, here.

I'm suuuuch a sucker for shimmer or "flash" (how do I use this term correctly here even?) that's close to the color of the base but brighter -- I love how it pops in the light. Sinful Colors does this super well, but the formula often leaves something to be desired with their lighter colors. For $2 at most, I guess, it's not the worst thing in the world.

I seriously have so many untried SC (thanks to <3 Big Lots <3). I really need to get on those, yeah?

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